New Album 2024!


DYING VICTIMS PRODUCTIONS is proud to present BLACKEVIL’s highly anticipated third album, Praise the Communion Fire for the Unhallowed Sacrament, on CD and vinyl LP formats.

Hailing from Bavaria, BLACKEVIL have been forging fire since 2013. Their first demo, appropriately titled Hail the Cult, emerged from the darkness in 2015, auspiciously revealing a razor-sharp and endlessly salacious style of blackthrash. Come BLACKEVIL’s debut album, 2017’s The Ceremonial Fire, the power-trio up-ratcheted everything: more speed, more hooks, more black, more evil, more of MORE! Still, their breakout moment was yet to come. Under the auspices of DYING VICTIMS, BLACKEVIL released their second album, Forever Baptised in Eternal Fire, in 2020. Here, the duo laid it all on the line, taking their noble roots – most obviously the German thrash Big Three of Sodom, Kreator, and Destruction as well as evil speed metal legends like Razor, Evil Angel, OZ, and Exciter – and assimilating them something that was uniquely their own and yet uniquely and purely HEAVY METAL.

Now, with third album Praise the Communion Fire for the Unhallowed Sacrament, BLACKEVIL take bolder steps into the epic that they only hinted at prior. If its predecessor began to transcend “blackthrash” categorization, Praise the Communion Fire wholly does so, canvassing a wider range of other stylistic sizes – late ‘90s melodic black metal, same-era blackened death, early ‘80s epic metal, and even a bit of NWOBHM that preceded that – that altogether result in something that’s more unique than ever. The album’s runtime of 46 minutes across seven tracks no doubt suggests that turn toward the epic, and the songwriting indeed goes everywhere but still with remarkable focus. Their chops, while thankfully evincing a human touch, support these daring constructs with finesse and a finely honed clarity. Leads and otherwise-more-melodic riffs lead the charge into the battlefield, buttressed by dynamics that are never boisterous for their own sake; rather, they’re reigned in, allowing those riffs and rhythms to breathe, thus making the surges of energy all the more exciting. Put another way, BLACKEVIL aren’t just another black(ened) metal band flying off the rails, imparting one extreme expression after another: there’s actual class and craft at work here, honoring the ancient lore of heavy metal whilst adding to its lexicon. In that sense, the ceremonial reverence they exude truly supports the title Praise the Communion Fire for the Unhallowed Sacrament.

Forever Baptised in Eternal Fire reaped acclaim, but still left BLACKEVIL as a well-kept secret. Again blessed with (un)godly art by the masterful Paolo Girardi, Praise the Communion Fire for the Unhallowed Sacrament should once and for all establish BLACKEVIL as top-tier heavy metal blacksmiths!

2nd press announced

Since the vinyl edition of our recent album FOREVER BAPTISED IN ETERNAL FIRE is almost sold out our label DYING VICTIMS PRODUCTIONS has announced a second edition.

There will be a new special edition in ultra clear vinyl with a woven patch (new design). Pre-order has already started.

Pre-order here

Forever Baptised in Eternal Fire

NEW ALBUM “Forever Baptised in Eternal Fire” out on 25 September 2020!

Pre-Orders & information: |

DYING VICTIMS is proud to present BLACKEVIL’s highly anticipated second album, Forever Baptised in Eternal Fire, on CD and vinyl LP formats.

Hailing from Bavaria, BLACKEVIL have been forging fire since 2013. Their first demo, appropriately titled Hail the Cult, emerged from the darkness in 2015, auspiciously revealing a razor-sharp and endlessly salacious style of blackthrash. Come BLACKEVIL’s debut album, 2017’s The Ceremonial Fire, the power-trio up-ratcheted everything: more speed, more hooks, more black, more evil, more of MORE! Diehards took notice, thankfully, and the band furthered the momentum the next year with a split LP with Italy’s esteemed Witchunter. Still, the best was yet to come…

At last, BLACKEVIL’s breakout moment arrives with their long-awaited second album, Forever Baptised in Eternal Fire. Of course, ones for astute titles, BLACKEVIL nevertheless lay it all on the line with Forever Baptised in Eternal Fire, bringing together their not-inconsiderable past with an envious present and doubtlessly damned future! Naturally, they’d never betray their roots – whether it’s the German thrash Big Three of Sodom, Kreator, and Destruction or evil speed metal legends like Razor, Evil Angel, OZ, and Exciter, and plenty of other classic points in between – but the way the trio assimilate them into something that’s so uniquely their own and yet so uniquely and purely HEAVY METAL, we can only guess there’s some black magick at play. Put another way, Forever Baptised in Eternal Fire is fucking EPIC from beginning to end, but it never sounds like it’s straining to sound “epic.” Likewise, one could charitably qualify BLACKEVIL here as transcending blackthrash altogether, so creative is this idiosyncratic iteration of the idiom…but even then, that’s selling both band and record short.

All we can say is simply step into this eternal fire, feel the witching-metal leads course through your veins, the throttling yet tastefully nuanced drums guide your quest, and allow bassist Abyss’ commanding and increasingly charismatic vocals to lead the charge; try to resist ALL THAT, and try remaining metal to the bone. Won’t work! Suitably for such a classic-in-the-making, Forever Baptised in Eternal Fire is baptized with (un)godly cover art by the masterful Paolo Girardi. Make no mistake: BLACKEVIL have ARRIVED!

Morbid Fire Over Hamburg

As we promised earlier there will be more shows next year so here’s the first announcement! We are joining forces with infamous WARLUST on two shows right at the beginning of 2020 to celebrate the release of their new album. Second show to be announced soon.

Don’t miss this pure HEAVY METAL INFERNO in the north!! Blasphemic assault!

Further news regarding the upcoming album and live shows will follow!

Last show 2019

We are proud to announce our involvement in the 10 years anniversary of Intöxicated. This will be our last show in 2019!

Live 2019

Our first show for 2019 has been announced. Together with INSULTER and HEXENIZER, we will return to Ulm, the city where POISON and TYRANT once were up to mischief. This is one of the very few chances for seeing us live during the next months.

Walls of darkness will entomb you!!

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